Participation Agreement

KPMG Cloud Master Learning Program 

By enrolling for the KPMG Cloud Master Program, I understand that the program requires my dedication and time commitment to make the fullest of this professional development opportunity.

In order to successfully complete the KPMG Cloud Master Program, candidates are expected to:

  • Take active participation in the Instructor-led training courses (e.g. be ready to participate in discussions, ask questions and take part in exercises).
  • When having selected an online self-paced journey, you are expected to demonstrate self discipline to complete the journey on your schedule within 6-9 months of its start and avoid prolonging it unnecessarily.
  • Invest additional hours (based on your personal needs) next to the training sessions in order to ensure you complete the training journey and earn the corresponding certifications.

By enrolling in a training journey of your choice, you are expected to have synchronised this decision with your direct manager that the journey correlates with your professional interest and development plan.

You are also expected to take personal ownership on planning and successfully passing all Microsoft Certification exams corresponding to the training journey you have chosen, in order to utilise the full value of the program.