Please expect the new version of Agile & Consulting Core Competences Sequence to be announced in Q4 of 2023.
Based on the provided feedback we review and update to content to provide better training for consultancy skillset and include real world best practices.
Modern Project Methodologies
Blending core concepts and practices in traditional and modern Agile project management approaches to be successful in any customer project.
Agile Leadership
Understanding and applying the Lean-Agile mindset and principles to empower individuals and teams to reach their highest potential and achieve and deliver great customer value.
Leading Effective Meetings
Running meetings successfully by introducing useful practices and tools applicable in on-site, remote or hybrid meetings.
Presentation Skills for Consulting Roles
Strong presentation skills, ability to present design, benefits and solution details, contributing to the advisory services provided.
Value Driven Negotiations
Prepare and carry out successful negotiations from the position of value creation to successfully navigate in customer relationship management and value co-creation.
Time Management & Prioritisation Solution Focused Thinking
Applying personal and team agility to achieve smart prioritisation and solve problems from the perspective of solution focused thinking.
Conflict and Complaint Management
Understanding and solving conflict while preserving strategic mindset, demonstrating empathy and understanding evolving customer needs and organizational dynamics.
Assertive Communication
Effective and adaptive communication across teams and the organization with strong stakeholder communication skills.
The modules are designed with a duration of one full training day to be delivered in a virtual led environment in collaboration with top technology, Agile and soft skills trainers.