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The KPMG Cloud Master Program is an elite training program which provides cloud consulting professionals within KPMG with a blend of deep-dive technical skills and solid foundation in business consulting skills.

The program is an expert-journey based concept that allows you to choose your level of technology knowledge, consulting skills and community exposure and upgrade from there on. The variety of training sessions combined in streams lead to a tech-practice mastery in a specific technology expertise. Mentoring workshops, measure-up tests and lab environment are an essential part of the self-paced learning option whenever your personal journey requires it.

Be the designer of your own route to mastery, while connecting along the way with colleagues as part of the Cloud Master Community.

Upon successful completion of the program, the attendees will earn a KPMG Cloud Master certification and digital badge in addition to the obtained Microsoft certifications.

Artificial Intelligence Training Journey

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Azure Training Journey for IT Pros

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Azure Training Journey for Developers

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Cybersecurity Training Journey

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Microsoft 365 Cloud Training Journey

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Role-based Training Journeys

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Google Cloud Platform Training Journey

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Learning options


Training Journeys

candidates will be immersing themselves in a specially designed program leading to professional certification and a KPMG Cloud Master certification.


Modular Training

candidates will be able to enrol for individual (single) courses and professional certification.

Our Trainers

Look forward to experienced and competent trainers who love to share their expertise in the Microsoft environment with you.

All training journeys are tailored to specific needs at KPMG Teams and include mandatory and optional trainings.

Candidates are strongly recommended to invest additional hours (based on individual needs) next to the training sessions and to ensure that they earn the corresponding certifications.

The program flexibility puts emphasis on the personal ownership over completing the training journey and getting certified as KPMG Cloud Master.

Agile & Consulting Core Competencies

The Agile & Consulting Core Competencies sequence has been designed to structure and further enrich competencies essential for successful consulting and collaboration.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enrol in the program?
You can enroll by simply selecting a training journey or a training course of your choice and filling in the registration form. By selecting the preference in the drop-down menu for each training topic listed in the journey, you can choose between calendar dates for training with a trainer or a self-paced learning for some or all of the courses (in this case you are entitled to books and measure-up tests to help you with the preparation). Once you submit the registration preference, you will receive a confirmation about the enrollment.
KPMG Cloud Master Program is free for access to any colleague in the KPMG network. However, before enrolling or choosing any dates of participation in trainings, it is the participant's responsibility to inform their direct manager and thus avoid work overload or tension among the other colleagues in the team during the absence.
You will receive a digital KPMG Cloud Master badge once you have completed all training courses part of a specific training journey. The digital badge is personalised and it acknowledges the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the program.
The final KPMG Cloud Master Certificate is achieved after completion of one Cloud Technology Training Journey and the full range of Agile & Consulting Core Competencies Sequence. If only a a Cloud Technology Training Journey is completed (or vice versa - only the Agile & Consulting Core Competencies Sequence) a personalized digital badge for completion of the specific journey is issued.
For the Microsoft Cloud training courses, you will be able to choose whether to enroll for online instructor-led training participation or self-paced learning for each level in the journey. The Agile & Consulting Core Competencies modules are delivered only in online instructor-led training format as they require interaction and discussions for best learning outcomes.
Microsoft Certification vouchers are not included in the program as currently all KPMG employees are entitled to access and have free exam booking through the Enterprise Skills Initiative (ESI). You can access the ESI portal by visiting or contact your local Learning & Development team for further assistance if needed.
Any pre-requisites are course-specific, meaning that some of the advanced role-based Microsoft training courses might require previous training courses attendance (and certification) as foundation. By enrolling in a specific training journey, you will start with the foundation and you will be equipped with the knowledge you need in order to proceed further. This is unless you haven't completed the foundation courses outside the program, in which case you can confirm it at the journey registration and claim your preferred level (Master the basics, Base Knowledge, Grow in Role) to start from.
As long as you have proof of training attendance or certification, you will be given the possibility to skip a particular training at journey registration and still have it counted towards the criteria for achieving a KPMG Cloud Master certification.
In order to run an Instructor-led training (ILT), we need to ensure a minimum number of registrations, therefore ILT training dates will be a subject of final confirmation by e-mail 3 weeks before the date of the training. We understand that schedules are dynamic but changing registrations less than 3 weeks before the training start date is not recommended.